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Bracaistean falainn a th’ aig na seòid is Ruairidh le trioblaidean cridhe. The lads focus on healthy breakfasts after Roddy’s heart condition diagnosis.

Tha Ruairidh is Ùìsdean nan còcairean comasach. Tha trioblaidean slàinte air a bhith aig Ruairidh bho chionn ghoirid, ’s e a’ faighinn a-mach gu bheil a chridhe a’ fàiligeadh. Leis an naidheachd mhòr seo, tha aige ri beachdachadh às ùr air na tha e ag ithe, le taic bho Ùisdean. Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha iad a’ toirt sùil air an dòigh as fheàrr an latha a thòiseachadh le bracaist mhath. Chan eil sgeul air na fry-ups gheireach tuilleadh; nan àite tha Smoothie le Measgachadh de Dhearcan, tha a dhreach fhèin aig Ùisdean air Shrimp and Grits – Muasgain-caola is Polenta, Crumbail Measan Bhracaist, Uighean Slaopte le Rosti Buntàta agus mu dheireadh, Bobhla Bracaist Abhocàdo. Nach ann aig na balaich a bhios gnùis ghleansach fhalainn a h-uile madainn.

Roddy and Uisdean are keen domestic cooks. Roddy has recently had a health scare with heart failure being diagnosed. With this development comes a new way of thinking about his diet, ably assisted and supported by Uisdean.

This episode sees them concentrating on a healthy way to start the day with a good breakfast. Gone are
the greasy fry-ups to be replaced by a mixed berry fruit smoothie, Uisdean’s take on shrimp and grits - prawn and polenta, breakfast fruit crumble, poached eggs with potato rosti and finally an avocado breakfast bowl. The lads will have a healthy
glow about them every morning.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Mon 13 Jan 2025 23:30

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