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Anne of Green Gables

Cathy san eilean Chanadach a bhrosnaich an leabhar iomraiteach Anne of Green Gables. Cathy visits the Canadian island that inspired the much-loved novel, Anne of Green Gables.

Se leabhar clasaigeach Canadach le deagh bhlas Albannach a th’anns an leabhar Anne of Green Gables.
Tha Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ sealltainn cho buileach Gàidhealach sa bha coimhearsnach Eilean a’ Phrionnsa, àite-breith is fuirich an ùghdair, Lucy Maud NicGumaraid.

Rugadh i air Là Naomh Anndra, 1874. ‘S ann air a làithean-àraich aonranach gun ghaol a steidhich i tè de prìomh charactaran ann an saoghal ficsean, Anne Shirley.

Tha an sgeulachd bhlàth seo air tighinn tro na lìnntinn agus air a h-eadar-theangachadh ann an ceathrad diofar cànan, Gàidhlig na luib.

Anne of Green Gables is a classic Canadian novel, with a strong Scottish accent. Cathy MacDonald reveals that Prince Edward Island, where Lucy Maud Montgomery was born and wrote her internationally acclaimed novel, was a distinctly Scottish community.

Born on St Andrews Day (30th November) 1874, Montgomery had an unhappy childhood during which she felt unloved. But she used the experience to create one of fiction’s best loved characters - Anne Shirley. The heartwarming tale is an enduring classic that has been translated in almost 40 languages, including Gaelic.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

12 days left to watch

59 minutes

Last on

Wed 5 Mar 2025 23:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Cathy MacDonald
Director Les Wilson
