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The Gift of Life

NHS says more South Asian organs donors needed according to new NHS data. Stats show a five year hike in number receiving life changing organs - but number of donors is down 19%.

NHS says more organs donors are needed to meet transplant demands of the South Asian community in the UK. It's as new NHS data says there is a five year hike in the number from the same community receiving a lifesaving organ like heart and kidney - but the number of South Asians donating has dropped by 19%. Amber Sandhu speaks to a panel of guests about their transplant journeys. Guests include Harpreet Matharu - Regional Head of Nursing with NHS Blood & Transplant. Mehreen Ahmed had a heart transplant last year at the age of 22. Karenjit Bahia is mum of 5 year old Harvey who had a kidney transplant that was donated by his aunty. ‘Shabnam’ not her real name - is mum of 9 year old boy who is currently waiting for a heart transplant and Azizur Rahman donated his kidney to his 4 year old daughter Diyanah. We also hear from imam Mufti Zubair Butt who wrote the NHS fatwa (religious edict) in 2019 on organ donations for British Muslims.

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