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Am Putan Tuathal
Episode 4 of 40
Putan Tuathal is Fuigheag鈥檚 favourite game in the whole wide world. But Boban wants to work.
Chan eil geama san t-saoghal mh貌r 's fhe脿rr le Fuigheag na 'm Putan Tuathal. Tha Boban 'son faighinn air adhart le obair ge-t脿. Ciamar a gheibh Boban fois, is ciamar a gheibh Fuigheag air Putan Tuathal a chluich, gun sguir?
Putan Tuathal is Fuigheag鈥檚 favourite game in the whole wide world. But Boban wants to continue with his work. How can Boban get peace, and how can Fuigheag endlessly play Putan Tuathal?