Ceòl is Òrain | Music and Songs
Singer James Graham chats to Joy, and Calum Maclean learns about bagpipes by visiting a pipe band and a workshop where the instruments are made and repaired.
Tha Joy Dunlop a’ leantainn oirre gar toirt tro cheumannan a bharrachd gus cumail oirnn agus Gà idhlig a bhruidhinn. Mar is à bhaist bidh i a’ dèiligeadh ri facail is abairtean air measgachadh de chuspairean. Mar thè a dh’ionnsaich a’ chà nan i fhèin, bheir Joy dhuinn mìneacheadh air briathrachas is gnathasan-cainnte ann an dòigh a tha furasta a thuigsinn. Bidh stiùireadh ann cuideachd mu bhith a’ cleachdadh abairtean agus grà mair, le eisimpleirean soilleir tro chòmhraidhean goirid.
Coinnichidh sinn ri luchd-labhairt èasgaidh a th’ air Gà idhlig ionnsachadh gu à rd ìre neo a thogadh leis a’ Ghà idhlig air falbh bho sgìrean traidiseanta na Gà idhealtachd, agus bidh Calum MacIlleathain a’ toirt sealladh dhuinn air annasan is cuspairean à raid ’s e air chuairt air feadh na dùthcha.
Lorgar tuilleadh stuthan taic air-loidhne aig www.speakgaelic.scot agus ann an sreathan phodcastan air 91Èȱ¬ Sounds.
Joy Dunlop guides viewers through the next steps to inspire us to keep on speaking Gaelic. As in previous series, she introduces and explains usage for words and phrases on everyday topics. A Gaelic learner herself, Joy supports us through vocabulary and idiom on topics such as literature, the Highland Clearances and outer space.
We meet dedicated speakers who have embraced the language, and the intrepid Calum Maclean ventures to far-flung corners of Scotland seeking hidden treasures.
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Math is dona
Duration: 02:30
Duration: 01:09
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Joy Dunlop |
Presenter | Calum Maclean |
Producer | Donald Macleod |
Director | Sam Pearce |
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Joy Dunlop takes us on our first steps to speak Gaelic.