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Fiona and Niall Iain welcome the talented musical trio Sian to Belladrum. In the middle a busy summer tour, they drop in to chat and perform two unaccompanied songs.

Sian le dà òran bho Belladrum 2024.
Sian perform two songs at Belladrum 2024.

Dà òran bhon chòmhlan Gàidhlig Sian aig Belladrum 2024.
Gaelic song trio, Sian, perform two songs at Belladrum 2024.

Fiona agus Niall Iain aig Belladrum ’s iad a’ cur fàilte air an triùir thàlantach bhon a’ chòmhlan Sian. Ann am meadhan cuairt shamhraidh thrang, bidh iad a’ tadhal airson dà òran a sheinn agus beagan cabadaich a dhèanamh.

Fiona and Niall Iain welcome the talented musical trio Sian to Belladrum. In the middle a busy summer tour, they drop in to chat and perform two unaccompanied songs.

Release date:

3 months left to watch

30 minutes

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