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Lucia & The Best Boys

It’s day two at Belladrum and Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald invite Scottish rockers Lucia & the Best Boys to rattle the Garden Stage.

Ceòl indie rock le Lucia & the Best Boys aig Belladrum.
Indie rockers Lucia & the Best Boys onstage at Belladrum.

An dàrna latha aig Belladrum le Lucia & the Best Boys a’ cur stùr à Àrd-ùrlar a’ Ghàrraidh.
Day two at Belladrum and Scottish rock band Lucia & the Best Boys rattle the Garden stage.

Air an dàrna latha aig Belladrum tha Fiona NicChoinnich agus Niall Iain Dòmhnallach a’ cur fàilte air a’ chòmhlan indie rock Albannach Lucia & the Best Boys, gu Àrd-ùrlar a’ Ghàrraidh. Tro cheòl ùr-ghnàthach tha na h-òrain aca gu lèir air soirbheachadh, agus tro clàr-chuairtean thrang tha iad air luchd-leantainn dìleas a thàladh.

It’s day two at Belladrum and Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald invite Scottish rockers Lucia & the Best Boys to rattle the Garden Stage. Their innovative sound has ensured that all the band’s singles have been successful, and a busy tour schedule has earned them a loyal fanbase.

Release date:

3 months left to watch

30 minutes

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