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Ocean Colour Scene

Britpop legends Ocean Colour Scene play their hits on the Hot House Stage on Friday. The acclaimed band saw almost immediate success soon after forming in 1989, selling millions of records.

Belladrum 2024 Ep 8/33 (iPlayer only)

Ocean Colour Scene aig Belladrum.
Ocean Colour Scene onstage at Belladrum.

Gaisgich Britpop Ocean Colour Scene air àrd-ùrlar Hot House air Dihaoine aig Belladrum.
Britpop legends Ocean Colour Scene play their hits on the Hot house Stage on Friday.

Gaisgich Britpop Ocean Colour Scene le na h-òrain as cliùitiche aca air àrd-ùrlar Hot House air Dihaoine aig Belladrum. As deidh stèidheachadh ann an 1989, shoirbhich leis a’ chòmhlan cha mhòr sa bhad, a’ reic na milleanan de chlàran.

Britpop legends Ocean Colour Scene play their hits on the Hot House Stage on Friday. The acclaimed band saw almost immediate success soon after forming in 1989, selling millions of records.

Release date:

3 months left to watch

30 minutes

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