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Teenage Fanclub

One of Scotland’s most beloved bands, Teenage Fanclub, bring summer vibes to the first day at Belladrum.

Belladrum 2024 Ep 5/33 (iPlayer only)

Gaisgich ciùil Teenage Fanclub aig Belladrum.
Musical heroes Teenage Fanclub at Belladrum.

Teenage Fanclub a’ cur dreach an t-samhraidh air a’ chiad latha aig Belladrum
One of Scotland’s beloved bands, Teenage Fanclub bring summer to day one at Belladrum.

Teenage Fanclub a’ cur dreach an t-samhraidh air a’ chiad latha aig Belladrum, a’ taisbeanadh na h-òrain pop-rock a dh’fhàg an còmhlan cho aithnichte.

One of Scotland’s most beloved bands, Teenage Fanclub bring summer vibes to the 1st day at Belladrum 2024 performing the classic pop-rock songs that made them famous.

Tha aon de na còmhlain air a bheil meas sònraichte air feadh Alba, Teenage Fanclub, a’ cur dreach an t-samhraidh air a’ chiad latha aig Belladrum. Tha iad a’ taisbeanadh nan òran a choisinn leithid de chliù dhaibh anns na ochdadan agus na naochadan leis an dearbh spionnadh is sòlas, agus a’ dearbhadh nach do laigh an aois air na h-òrain no air a’ chòmhlan.

One of Scotland’s most beloved bands, Teenage Fanclub, bring summer vibes to the first day at Belladrum. The group perform the classic pop-rock songs that made them famous in the 80s and 90s with the same energy and joy, proving that neither songs or band have aged a single day.

Release date:

3 months left to watch

30 minutes

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