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Alison Krauss

Episode 2 of 3

Turas sìos lanaig na cuimhne a’ foillseachadh ceòl agus obair Alison Krauss. A nostalgic trip down memory lane revealing the career of Alison Krauss.

Turas sìos lanaig na cuimhne a’ foillseachadh ceòl agus obair Alison Krauss, neach-ciùil cruthachail, gnìomhach le guth mar aingeal, ‘s a tha air a bhith a’ glacadh aire luchd-èisteachd bho bha i na deugaire, an dà chuid còmhla ri a còmhlan àbhaisteach Union Station, agus leatha fhèin.

Ann an oidhirp air Alison a mhisneachadh, chluich a màthair clàr bluegrass leis an fhìdhleir Richard Greene dhi. Bho bhith na seinneadair òg air leth tàlantach, gu bhith ainmeil ann an eachdraidh ciùil airson Grammaidhean a bhuannachadh, tha Alison Krauss air a dhol an sàs ann an bluegrass, ceòl dùthchail, tuath-cheòl, rock agus roll, ‘s i reic faisg air 8 millean clàr an dà chuid a’ seinn na h-aonar ‘s mar phrìomh sheinneadair còmhlain, thairis air dà fhichead bliadhna, ‘s i nas soirbheachail na duine sam bith eile a bha seinn bluegrass ann an eachdraidh tuath-cheòl.
Thàinig am buidhean air leth tàlantach de luchd-ciùil agus bàird a bhiodh a’ cur taic rithe còmhla mu dheireadh thall agus stèidhich iad Alison Krauss & Union Station.

A nostalgic trip down memory lane revealing the career and music of an innovative and prodigious musician with a pure angelic voice. Alison Krauss has been captivating audiences since she was in her teens, both with and without her long-time band, Union Station.

Looking for ways to inspire her young daughter, Alison’s mother introduced her to a record by bluegrass violinist Richard Greene. From child prodigy to history making Grammy winner, Alison has tackled bluegrass, country, folk and rock, selling almost eight million albums both as a solo performer and frontperson. Her career has spanned four decades, to become the most successful Bluegrass artist in country music history.

Her backing band, a formidable group of musicians and songwriters, eventually evolved into Alison Krauss & Union Station.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles.

24 days left to watch

1 hour


Role Contributor
Narrator John Carmichael
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Editor Innes Macleod


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