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Hend: Bàrd-Èireannach à Iemen

Episode 7 of 9

Rugadh Hend ann an Iemen ach tha i a-nis ann an Èirinn, ri linn a’ chogadh. Hend is from Yemen but because of the war now lives in Ireland.

Rugadh Hend ann an Ieman ach dh’fhàg i fhèin, a màthair, a piuthar ‘s a bràthair nuair bha i còig, air sgàth a’ chogaidh. Tha i an dòchas bàrdachd a sgrìobhadh gus an ionnsaich an clas mu beatha – ‘s dòcha gun ionnsaich i fhèin rud cuideachd.

Hend was born in Yemen but she left with her mother, sister and brother, as a result of the war. She hopes to write poetry so the class will learn about her life – perhaps she will learn something, too.

15 minutes
