Blà r nan Gà idheal
‘Blà r Nan Gà idheal’ tells the story of the first ever official football match entirely arranged through the medium of Gaelic.
Tha ‘Blà r nan Gà idheal’ ag innse an sgeulachd mun chiad geama ball-coise oifigeil a chaidh a shuidheachadh a-riamh tro mheadhan na Gà idhlig. San strì airson Chupa a’ Mhòid 2023 tha Gà idheal Ghlaschu a’ nochdadh an aghaidh Na Gà idheil XI ann am Pà islig, is tha an geama a’ dol air adhart ’s na manaidsearan ga choimhead. Tha na nithean matha agus dona a’ gleusadh faireachdainnean nan Gà idheil is na Gà idhlig is iad ann an teis mheadhan a’ bhlà ir.
‘Blà r Nan Gà idheal’ tells the story of the first ever official football match entirely arranged through the medium of Gaelic. As Gà idheal Ghlaschu line up against Na Gà idheal XI in Paisley to compete for the Mòd Cup 2023, the game unfolds through the eyes of the managers. The highs and the lows form a tonic flow of raw Gaelic emotions as they express themselves in the heat of the battle.
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