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Buannaiche na Duais Rìoghail

Tha Mrs Kaufmann a' buinnig duais ach chan eil fhios cò a thabhainn i. Mrs Kaufmann wins a prize, but no-one knows who donated it!

Tha Mrs Kaufmann air duais mhòr a bhuannachadh - deireadh-seachdain air leth leis an Teaghlach Rìoghail. Chan eil fhios cò thabhainn an duais ach tha Stella ’son faighinn a-mach cò bh’ ann. Tha Mrs Kaufmann cho tàireil ’s a bha i a-riamh!

Mrs Kauffman has won a grand prize - a luxury weekend with the royal family. Nobody knows who donated the prize, but Stella intends to find out. Mrs Kaufmann is as difficult as ever!

28 days left to watch

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Stella Lana Beaton
Queen Kat Patsi MacKenzie
King Rob Calum Macaulay
Molly Lauren Ferguson
Freya Mischa Macpherson
Queen Mother Floraidh Maclean
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed


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