Mockumentary style short film that features a day in the life of the Gael girls. We see them go shopping with daddy's credit card and Starbucks with plenty of petty drama and bickering.
Fiolm goirid ann an stoidhle mockumentary a tha a’ sealltainn latha ann am beatha nigheanan Gà idhealach. Bidh sinn gan leantainn timcheall Ghlaschu, a’ tadhal air na margaidean, a’ dol gu na bùthan le credit card daddy agus Starbucks le tòrr drà ma is bicearachd. Bha sinn airson sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air cliché TBh reality hyper feminine ann am film goirid aotrom - Na Kardashians a’ coinneachadh ri à bhachdas gael clasaigeach!
Mockumentary style short film that features a day in the life of the Gael girls. We see them explore Glasgow, visit the markets, go shopping with daddy's credit card and Starbucks with plenty of petty drama and bickering. We wanted to explore the brilliance of hyper feminine reality TV clichés in a light-hearted short film - The Kardashians meets classic Gael humour!