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Episode 5

Episode 5 of 8

Ramsay MacMahon is in Glen Affric with Erica MacPherson. Ramsay MacMahon agus Erica Nic a’ Phearsain còmhla ann an Gleann Aifrig.

Ramsay MacMahon walks through Glen Affric with actor and interior designer Erica MacPherson. Strolling above the banks of Loch Affric, Erica candidly discusses her life and reflects on its twists and turns. In an intimate conversation with Ramsay, Erica talks about her acting career and the pressures she felt that came with it. She discusses her upbringing in Skye and the importance of family.

As they walk through the remains of the ancient Caledonian Forest, Erica divulges the creative process behind her interior design and tells of the value of the outdoors to her. Thought to have been the location of Edward Landseer’s Monarch of the Glen, the two rejoice at the tranquillity of this special glen.

Tha Ramsay MacMahon a’coiseachd tro Ghleann Aifrig còmhla ris a’ chleasaiche ‘s sgeadaichear-taighe Erica Nic a’ Phearsain. A’dèanamh an slighe thar bhruaichean Loch Aifrig tha Erica gu saor-chritheach a’ bruidhinn mu a beatha le chuid charan.

Chan eil i cumail dad a’ falach nuair a tha i a’còmhradh mu a beatha na cleasaiche agus gach duiligheadeas na luib. Tha i ag innse mu làithean a h-òige san Eilean Sgitheanach agus mu cho cudromachd ‘s tha teaghlach na beatha.

A’ coiseachd tro na th’air fhàgail den t-seann Choille Cailleannach tha Erica a’cuir an cèill a dòigh smaoineachaidh airson a h-obair chruthachail a’ sgeadachadh thaighean agus a bhuaidh shònraichte a th’aig beatha a-mach a doras oirre. Thathar an dùil gun do bhrosnaich an gleann àraid seo an neach-ealain Edward Landseer gu dealbh Monarc a’ Ghlinne a tharraing agus le chèile tha fois a ghlinne gam fàgail fo thoileachas.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
Director Ramsay MacMahon
Series Producer Faye MacLean
