Jumbled Up
Yukee comes up with a clever rhyming song to help her remember some messages for Sonny.
Showdown on the Sundial Stage
When Rock Night is double-booked, the Sundial Stage becomes crowded and noisy.
Chrysalis Creche
TapTap becomes very protective when strange eggs appear in the branches of her tree.
All Change
Yukee is struggling with a tune on her ukulele and wants to give it up.
Staying Up Late
The garden gang are intrigued when Yukee says she鈥檚 going to show them the Man in the Moon
Fly Away Feathers
Yukee and the garden gang help a touring musical pigeon get back in the air.
Yukee thinks it would be a mighty swell idea if the gang had a line dance in the Sunhouse.
Top of the Pots
Sonny and Yukee are distracted by the amazing musical properties of old salvaged pots.
Lost and Found
Stripes has written a brilliant song, but his guitar string is broken, so he can't play it
Code Crackers
Sonny finds an old musical safe, which only opens with the right musical code.
Fortune Cookies
Yukee鈥檚 garden pals think the fortune cookie messages she has given them are true.
Slow Down TapTap
TapTap鈥檚 loud, fast drumming is driving everyone in the garden to distraction.
Earning Your Stripes
A samba band is coming to play, so everyone is helping to prepare.
Xylophone Mystery
Stripes has lost Twinkle's xylophone - and right before her performance!
The Pop-Ups
Stripes鈥檚 attempts to write a song about his love for the Sunhouse are interrupted. (R)
Sound of Silence
Yukee enjoys the peace and quiet in the garden when she wakes up early. (R)
Perfect Present
Everyone is bringing presents to the opening of Twinkle鈥檚 zen garden. (R)
The Music Box
Sonny has found a box of broken pieces. Can Yukee and her friends put them back together? (R)
Rain Rain Come and Play
During a storm, Toad says he鈥檚 frightened of the sound. Can Yukee find a way to calm him? (R)
Worm Chorus
Yukee is desperate to meet the worms that live in the soil beneath the garden. (R)
Stick in the Mud
Toad is resisting the urge to join in with Yukee's game of musical mud-squelching. (R)
When Toad has a case of puddle hiccups, Yukee and the garden gang try to find a cure. (R)