An Lince /The Lynx
We learn about the lynx, Europe’s largest wild cat that has now returned to hunt in the continent’s forests.
Tha creutairean iongantach beò ann am fà saich na h-Eòrpa. Taisbeanaidh sinn sia dhe na creutairean as motha, as teirce 's as luaithe air a' mhòr-thìr – aon bheathach neo teaghlach bheathaichean anns gach earrann. Dè na dùbhlain a tha romhpa ann an saoghal caochlaideach? Dè a' bhuaidh a th' aig atharrachadh na gnà th-shìde orra agus ciamar a bhios iad a' dìon an à rainn bho bhuaidh dhaonna?
Airson eòlas a chur air na beathaichean nan à rainn, agus airson dlùthachadh air na tachartasan is dùbhlain là itheil aca, cleachdaidh sinn teicneòlas camara sònraichte, agus cho fad 's as urrainn dhuinn, feuchaidh sinn ri gnothaichean a shealltainn tro shùilean nam beathaichean. Mura gabh sin a dhèanamh, glacaidh camarathan fiadh-bheatha tachartasan sònraichte neo ris nach robh dùil.
Anns a’ phrògram seo, bidh sinn ag ionnsachadh mun lince, an cat fiadhaich as motha san Roinn Eòrpa a tha air tilleadh a shealg tro choilltean na mòr-thìr a-rithist.
'S e cuairt tro fhà sach na h-Eòrpa ann an lorgan nam beathaichean a th' anns an t-sreath, turas an cois na creutairean fo shùil na camarathan as fheà rr a th' ann: dlùth-shealladh air beathaichean sna tìrean as bòidhche air a' mhòr-thìr.
Europe’s wilderness is home to animals of superlatives. We present six of the largest, rarest and fastest animals on the continent - one animal or animal family in each episode. What are their challenges in a changing world? How does climate change affect them and how do they defend their habitat against human influence?
In order to get to know the animal protagonists in their habitat and to make their experiences and daily challenges tangible, we approach the animals with special camera technology and, whenever possible, create perspectives from the animals’ point of view. If this is not possible, wildlife cameras capture special and unexpected moments.
In this programme, we learn about the lynx, Europe’s largest wild cat that has now returned to hunt in the continent’s forests.
The series is a cinematic safari in the footsteps of Europe’s wilderness, a journey with the animals, staged with the best cameras on the market: animals up close and in the most beautiful landscapes of the continent.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
- Thu 1 Feb 2024 21:00
- Sat 3 Feb 2024 22:00