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Orcastra Mheanbh

Episode 14 of 52

Tha iomadh seòrs’ ionnsramaid ga chluich an-diugh – fuaimneach, ach ceòlmhor cuideachd! There are lots of instruments being played today, noisy but also musical!

Tha Meanbh a’ cur orcastra ri chèile - tha i a’ sireadh fonn foirfe. Tha a bhith sàsachadh gach neach nas dorra na shaoileadh tu ge-tà. Ged a tha, chan eil i ri gèilleadh is tha i a' lorg an rud a bha i ag iarraidh.

Meanbh is putting an orchestra together and she is looking for the perfect tune. Pleasing everyone proves more difficult than one would think though. Even so, she doesn’t give up and finds what she’s looking for.

11 minutes
