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Club Leabhar Rìoghail

Dè cho àbhaisteach ‘s a tha an Club Leabhair nuair a tha a’ Bhànrigh ri tadhal? How normal is the Book Club when the Queen joins it?

Tha Stella ’son na Bànrigh a chuideachadh. Tha i airson gum bi i a’ dèanamh rudeigin àbhaisteach, mar gum bi i na ball den Chlub Leabhair. Ach, dè cho àbhaisteach sa tha e nuair a tha a’ Bhànrigh a' dol ann?

Stella wants to help the Queen. She wants her to do something normal, like becoming a member of the Book Club. But how normal is it when the Queen attends?

11 minutes
