Episode 2
Na thùs brosnachaidh dha iomadh ginealach de nursaichean. The life of Florence Nightingale, a source of inspiration for generations of nurses.
Beatha air a chur seachad a' sà bhaladh bheathan eile. Chaidh a cur a fhrithealadh shaighdearan air aghaidh a' bhlà ir sa Chrimea ann an 1854 far an do ghabh i na ciad cheuman ann an slà inteachas agus ana-sheaptic is thug i cruth-atharrachadh air rianachd cùram-slà inte. B' e leighis a gairm beatha; dhèanadh i dreuchd dheth. B' ise a' chiad nurs ùr-nodha.
Às dèidh tilleadh bhon chogadh, stèidhich i a' chiad sgoil nursaidh air thalamh ann an Lunnainn. Stèidhicheadh na mìltean eile coltach rithe sna deicheadan a leanadh. Choisinn a h-inntinn saidheansail agus a comas le stadastaireachd gun deach aice air poileasaidhean slà inte poblach atharrachadh air feadh Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn. Beag air bheag, ghluais a dìleab tarsainn chrìochan. Bha i na thùs brosnachaidh dha iomadh ginealach de nursaichean.
A life spent saving other lives, Florence Nightingale was sent to the Crimean front in 1854 to care for thousands of soldiers. Her work was instrumental in the understanding of hygiene and the use of antiseptic, and revolutionised healthcare organisation.
Nursing others was her calling, and she would turn it into a profession. Upon her return from the war, she founded the first nursing school in the world, in London. Thousands of others would be founded on the same model in the following decades. Her scientific mind and her abilities in statistics would allow her to bring profound change to public health policies throughout the British Empire. Gradually, her legacy crossed frontiers and was a source of inspiration for generations of nurses.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Derek Mackay |
Producer | Ann Morrison |
Executive Producer | Calum McConnell |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
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