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Dannsa Mor A’ Phlatapais

Episode 30 of 52

Tha an Dannsa Leòmach dol a ghabhail àit’ a-nochd ‘s tha a h-uile duine ag obrachadh air gluasadan airson AH-AH, gus am bi e math air danns’.

The Fancy Dance is taking place tonight and everyone is busy teaching AH-AH moves so that he will be a good dancer.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Ah-Ah Derek MacIntosh
²Ñ²¹³¦Ã¬´Ç³¾³ó²¹¾±°ù Iain Mackinnon
Lusach Calum MacKinnon
Daolag Floraidh Maclean
°äù±ô²¹²µ Derek Murray
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed


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