Kick back with these fantastic films and specials!
Headstrong Lucky Prescott's life is changed forever when she is reunited with her father.
Wallace and Gromit blast off in a homemade rocket to see if the moon is made of cheese.
While Wallace is distracted by a romance, Gromit is framed for sheep rustling.
When an alien crash-lands near the farm, Shaun has to help her return home.
Wallace and Gromit's business faces danger when a killer starts targeting local bakers.
A mysterious penguin moves in with Wallace and Gromit, embroiling them in a heist.
Comedy drama. Ben hates spending time with his boring granny, but she has a secret.
An animated comedy for all the family about Superworm, a super-long and super-strong worm.
Comedy. Father and son Len and Joe become billionaires when Len invents a new toilet roll.
An ex-WWII flying ace with Alzheimer's attempts a daring escape from an old people's home.
One-off family comedy about a boy frustrated by the boring grey world he inhabits.
Danger looms in Fula City, and Ash, Pikachu and their new friends fight to save the day.
Guided by the Rainbow Wing, Ash and Pikachu journey to find the Legendary Pok茅mon Ho-Oh.
Fresh from his win in Hearthome City, Ash encounters the mysterious Darkrai.
Can Ash and his friends help Keldeo find the courage to stand up to Kyurem?
When big trouble threatens the big city, it's up to Ash, Pikachu and friends to stop it.
The struggle of distorted worlds and alternate dimensions continues to rage.
Mysterious forces are in motion that could bring untold misfortune to Ash and friends.
Can Ash awaken Reshiram to help him rescue Victini?
Can Ash awaken Zekrom to help him rescue Victini?
A legendary battle rages on in the Reverse World.