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Kriumska Mhòr Oillteil

Episode 9 of 52

Tha Posy ag iarraidh itealag Pip fheuchainn ach chan eil cùisean a dol leatha! Posy want to try Pip’s kite but things don’t go her way!

Nuair a tha Posy a' call itealag Pip, tha i ‘g innse ròlaist mhòr dha – gun do dh’ fhalbh Kriumska, nighean mhòr oillteil leatha. Aig a' cheann thall, tha aice ris an fhìrinn innse – nach eil Kriumska dha-rìreabh ‘s gur e breug mhòr a bh’ aice!

When Posy loses Pip’s kite, she tells a fib - that Kriumska, a big scary girl, took it. Eventually she has to tell the truth - there is no Kriumska and that it was a big lie.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Pip Eilidh MacCarmaig
Posy Mischa Macpherson
Editor Phil Reed
