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If there were two things Dave could wish for it would be for Fuzzypeg to smell fresher, and for Gran to be nicer.

Nam biodh dà mhiann aig Pòl, mhiannaicheadh e gum biodh fàileadh nas fheàrr à Mial-mogach agus gum biodh Granaidh na bu laghaiche. Ach ged a gheibheadh Pòl a mhiann, chan eil sin ri ràdh gum biodh cùisean na b’ fheàrr; ’s ann a tha gach miann a’ cur a h-uile sìon bun-os-cionn. Sgudal!

If there were two things Dave could wish for it would be for Fuzzypeg to smell fresher, and for Gran to be nicer. But getting what you wish for doesn’t always turn out for the best, and in Dave’s case it sends nature topsy turvy. Rubbish.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Various David Walker
Various Ellen Macdonald
Various Carina MacLeod
Various Kathleen MacInnes
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Company Solus Productions
