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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 6

Màiri Anna NicUalraig le ceòl dùthchasach agus traidiseanta bho Celtic Connections. Mary Ann Kennedy presents a show with folk and traditional music from Celtic Connections.

Ann am prògram na h-oidhche nochd, The Henry Girls, triùir pheathraichean tàlantach à Dùn nan Gàll agus iad a’ foillseachadh an tarraing a tha annta do luchd-èisteachd an seo agus air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa. Tha luchd-tadhail Celtic Connections eòlach mar-tha air a’ phìobaire ealanta Calum Stewart, agus anns a’ phrògram seo bidh còmhlan beothail agus an dannsair-ceum Sophie Stevenson na chuideachd.

Gheibhte seat de dh’òrain Ghàidhlig bhon t-seinneadair òg Ìleach Màiri Nic Gille Bhraith ’s a còmhlan agus nam measg sin bidh òrain bho a h-eilean fhèin. Dh’fhaoidte sàr-còmhlan a ghabhail air The Alt agus cuid den luchd-ciùil dùthachasach as aithnichte ann an Èirinn a’ cluich sa chòmhlan. Chuireadh àrd-ùrlar sam bith fàilte air Nuala Kennedy, John Doyle agus Eamon O’ Leary.

Mary Ann Kennedy chats to special guests and introduces performances from bands from all over the UK and Ireland. The Henry Girls reveal why they are so popular with audiences here and across Europe, and virtuoso uillean piper Calum Stewart performs with a lively band and even livelier step dancer Sophie Stephenson. Young Islay singer Mairi MacGillivray and her band perform a set of Gaelic songs, including some from her native island and folk supergroup The Alt take to the stage.

26 days left to watch

57 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Mary Ann Kennedy
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Executive Producer Alasdair MacCuish
Producer Ewan Duncan
