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Ceòl, fealla-dhà agus sùil air spòrs ionadail, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta. Music and entertainment with Derek Pluto Murray along with his Musical Links. Tweet @DerekPluto

Ceòl, spòrs agus fealla-dhà air ur slighe dhachaigh. Am-measg na bhitheas air a' phrògraim, bidh Derek a' cluich 3 òrain a' mìneachadh 'ceanglaichean ciùil' agus tha agaibhse ri obrachadh a-mach dè an ceangal eatarra. Ma tha sibh airson òran a chluinntinn neo fiosrachadh a chur gu Derek, fàgaibh teachdaireachd air ar duilleag Facebook, tweet gu @DerekPluto, post-dealain gu no fònaibh an asgaidh air 08000 967 050.
Derek ‘Pluto’ Murray with entertainment and the latest news to see you home! Tonight Derek will play 3 tracks which will give you clues to his tenuous “Musical Link” – it literally could be anything! If you want to hear a song on the show, get in touch via our Facebook programme page, tweet @DerekPluto, e-mail or freephone: 08000 967050

Release date:

1 hour, 30 minutes

Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto air Facebook

Faic na tha dol air an duilleag Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto air Facebook.