Episode 6
In search of wildlife and adventure, Ramsay heads to the Black Isle for a few days. Tha Ramsay a’cuir aghaidh air an Eilean Dubh an tòir air fiadh-bheathaichean agus spòrs.
For Ramsay MacMahon, working and living in the city is but a means to an end. It’s at the weekends, when he escapes to the Scottish countryside, that he really starts living.
This weekend Ramsay heads to the Black Isle for a few days and travels up the coastline to Chanonry point. Not only the site of the Brahan Seer’s grisly death, this spit of land in the Moray Firth is also one of the best places in the country to see dolphins up close. And he’s lucky this weekend as the playful creatures swim alongside the shore just a matter of feet from the assembled crowd of onlookers.
Ramsay visits an organic brewery near Munlochy and learns about the brewing process. It would be rude not to sample the produce and luckily he doesn’t have far to go afterwards to his accommodation. He stays overnight in a cosy wooden shepherd’s hut.
Chanadh Ramsay MacMahon nach eil ann an saothrachadh sa bhaile mhòr ach dòigh air saorsa a’ chosnadh. Tha e a’ tighinn beò nuair a gheibh e a-mach air an dùthaich aig an deireadh-sheachdain.
An turus seo tha e a’ dol dhan Eilean Dubh, suas an toiseach gu Gob na Cananaich. Chan e mhà in gun ann air an rubha seo ann an Caolas Mhoireibh a fhuair Coinneach Odhar bàs oillteil, ach an-diugh sann a tha’n cothrom is fheà rr leumadairean fhaicinn faisg ort. Agus tha Ramsay air leth fortanach is na beathaichean a’ snà mh seachad faisg air a chladach – dìreach beagan throighean bho na daoine a chruinnich gan coimhead.
Tha Ramsay a’ tadhal air taigh-grùide faisg air Poll Lòchaidh ‘s a’ cluinntinn ciamar a tha an leann ga dhèanamh. Bhiodh e mì-mhodhail mur a feuchadh e balgam dheth ... is chan eil an t-à ite-fuirich aige fad’ air falbh co dhiù, bothan buachaille, blà th comhfhurtail.
Last on
Saoil am faca e seo a' tighinn?
Duration: 01:16
An taobh seo!
Duration: 01:51
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
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