Episode 6
’S toil le na seòid biadh às an Spà inn. An-diugh, tha iad a’ dèanamh Txangurro a la Donostiarra agus Croquettas. Spanish dishes include Txangurro a la Donostiarra and Croquettas.
Tha cruth Spà inteach air na seòid sa phrògram seo. Tha Ruaraidh a’ dèanamh Croquettas agus Chorizo le Tapas Marag Dhuibh, le Churros agus Sabhs Teòclaid às a dhèidh.
Tha Ùisdean a’ feuchainn air Txangurro a la Donostiarra, soitheach Spà inteach sònraichte air a dhèanamh le crà ic-phartan, a bharrachd air Paella le feòil-rabaid, gart-eun agus cearc.
The lads go all Spanish in this episode. Roddy prepares Croquettas and Chorizo with Black Pudding Tapas. To finish, he cooks Churros with Chocolate sauce.
Uisdean tackles a Txangurro a la Donostiarra, a special Spanish dish of baked spider crab, followed by a classic Paella with Rabbit, Quail and Chicken.
in Gaelic with English subtitles.
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Tha Ruaraidh ag ullachadh croquetas
Duration: 03:04
Tapas le Marag Dhubh Steòrnabhaigh
Duration: 02:56
Prògram 6 (Sreath 6)
50g ìm
Druthag ola chroinn-ola
½ uinnean beag, air a ghearradh gu mìn
50g flùr plèan
250ml bainne
150g hama Serrano, air a ghearradh
50g cĂ ise cheddar, air a bhleith
50g cĂ ise gruyere, air a bhleith
1 spĂ inn-bheag sgeallan Dijon
2 spà inn-mhòr uachdar dùbailte
Piobar dubh
2 ugh mòr
50g flùr plèan
140g criomagan-arain tioram
Ola airson fraidhigeadh
- Gus na croqettas a dhèanamh, leagh an t-ìm ann am pana agus cuir an ola ris.
- Fraighig na h-uinneanan airson 3 mionaidean no gus an tig beagan dath orra.
- Nuair a tha an t-uinnean air bogachadh, cuir a’ hama ris. Bruich airson dhà no thrì mionaidean a bharrachd.
- Measgaich am flĂąr dhan phana agus bruich airson 30 diogan.
- Beag air bheag, cuir am bainne ris, ga mheasgachadh fad na h-ùine, agus bruich air teas ìosal airson 5 mionaidean gus a bheil e tiugh agus gleansach.
- Seà san le salann, piobar agus an cnò-mheannt.
- Cuir an cĂ ise, an sgeallan agus an t-uachdar na mheasg.
- Bruich airson 1 mionaid eile gus an leagh an t-ìm, ga mheasgachadh fad an t-siubhail.
- Dòirt ann am bòbhla agus còmhdaich le fiolm cling gus nach tig craiceann air. Fà g gu aon taobh gus am fuaraidh e, an uairsin cuir dhan fhuaradair airson 2-4 uairean a thìde. Feumaidh e a bhith gu math ragach gus na croquetas a dhèanamh.
- Nuair a tha na tha sa bhobhla rag, thoir là n spà inntean-beaga dheth nad là mhan fhliuch agus rolaig nam bà llaichean gus a bheil cumadh ùighe agad. Dèan 24 dhiubh agus cuir air trèidhe iad. Buail na h-uighean ann an soitheach eu-domhainn, cuir am flùr air truinnsear agus cuir leth dhen na criomagan-arain ann am bòbhla.
- Rolaig gach croqueta anns an fhlùr, an uairsin dhan na h-uighean mus tèid an còmhdach le na criomagan-arain. Cuir air trèidhe-à mhainn air a chòmhdach le pà ipear. Cleachd an còrr dhen na criomagan-arain gus am bobhla a lìonadh lethach slighe tro bhith gan còmhdach. Cuir dhan fhuaradair airson 30 mionaid.
- Lìon an treas cuid de phana mòr leis an ola agus teasaich gu 180C (no teasaich an ola ann an inneal-fraidhigidh). Na teasaich cus agus na fà g ola theth leis fhèin. Le bhith a’ cleachdadh spà inn meatailt le tuill ann, cuir 6 croquetas dhan ola agus bruich airson 1.5 mionaidean no gus an tig dath òir-donn orra. Cuir air trèidhe-à mhainn le pà ipear-cidsin air gus an ola a bharrachd a shùghadh à s. Bruich an còrr dhiubh. Gabh le silidh tiolaidh.
50g butter
Splash of olive oil
½ small onion, finely chopped
50g plain flour
250ml milk
150g Serrano ham, diced
50g cheddar, grated
50g gruyere cheese, grated
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 tbsp double cream
Black pepper
Grating of nutmeg.
2 large eggs
50g plain flour
140g dried breadcrumbs
Oil for frying
- To make the croquetas, melt the butter saucepan and add oil.
- Fry the onion for 3 minutess or until lightly coloured.
- When the onion has softened, add the ham. Cook for a further few minutes.
- Stir in the flour and cook for 30 secondss.
- Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly, and cook over a low heat for 5 mins until thick and glossy, to a thick consistency.
- Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- Stir in the cheese, mustard and cream.
- Cook for 1 min more until the cheese melts, stirring constantly.
- Pour into a bowl and cover the surface with cling film to stop a skin forming. Leave to cool, then chill for 2 - 4 hrs. The mixture needs to be very stiff to form the croquetas.
- After the mixture has set, take heaped teaspoons of the mixture and, with wet hands, roll into 24 small oval shapes and put on a tray. Beat the eggs in a shallow bowl, put the flour on a plate and half of the breadcrumbs in a bowl.
- Roll each of the croquetas lightly in flour, then into the egg before coating in breadcrumbs. Place on a baking tray lined with baking parchment. Use the remaining breadcrumbs to top up the bowl halfway through the coating process. Chill for 30 minutes.
- Fill a large saucepan one-third full with the sunflower oil and heat to 180C (or heat the oil in an electric deep-fat fryer). Do not overheat and do not leave hot oil unattended. Using a metal slotted spoon, lower 6 croquets into the oil and cook for 1.5 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer to a baking tray lined with kitchen paper to absorb excess oil, and continue cooking the rest. Serve with the chilli jam for dipping.
300g tomà tothan, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 tiolaidh dearg, leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às agus air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh gu mìn
100g siĂącar
100ml fìon-geur fìon dearg no balsamic
- Cuir na gritheidean uile còmhla ann am pana mòr agus leig leis goil air a shocair. Cuir mullach air a’ phana caran eu-teann agus bruich airson 50 mionaidean – uair a thìde, ga mheasgachadh an-drà sta ’s a-rithist, gus a bheil e tiugh agus gleansach. Fà g gus fuarachadh mus tèid ith.
300g tomatoes, finely chopped
1 red chilli, de-seeded and finely chopped
1 red onion, finely chopped
100g sugar
100ml red wine vinegar or balsamic.
- Put all the ingredients in a large saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Cover loosely with a lit and cook for 50 minutes - 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until thick and glossy. Leave to cool before serving.
2 sgalaid, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 chlòbh creamh, air a shliseadh gu mìn
2 spà inn-mhòr ola chroinn-ola
1 ½ cearcaill chorizo, air a rùsgadh agus air a shliseadh
3 slisean marag dhubh, air a rĂąsgadh agus air a ghearradh
1 spĂ inn-bheag criomagan tiolaidh
2-3 tiolaidhean uaine, leis an t-sìol air a thoirt às agus air a shliseadh gu mìn
1x 400g cnogan tomĂ tothan
2 gheug tìm
Bloigh paprika
Piobar dubh
1 ugh
- Ro-theasaich an Ă mhainn gu 200C fan.
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana le bonn trom. Fraighig na sgalaidean san ola air a shocair airson 2-3 mionaidean.
- Cuir an creamh ris agus cùm a’ còcaireachd gus a bheil an sgailead bog.
- Cuir suas an teas agus cuir an chorizo ris airson 2-3 mionaidean gus an tig dath òir air.
- Cuir a’ mharag-dhubh ris, agus bruich airson 3 mionaidean eile. Cuir na criomagan tiolaidh dhan phana.
- Cuir sìos an teas agus measgaich na tomà tothan, tìm agus an t-salann agus am piobair agus goil air a shocair airson 5 mionaidean.
- Cuir ann an soitheach freagarrach airson an Ă mhainn.
- Brùth sìos am meadhan an stiùbha le cùl spà inn. Bris ugh dhan a’ mheadhan, sgeadaich leis an tiolaidh uaine agus cuir dhan à mhainn airson 10 mionaidean gus a bheil an t-ugh bruich.
2 shallots, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, finely sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
1 ½ chorizo rings, peeled and sliced
3 slices of black pudding, peeled and cut into chunks
1 tsp chilli flakes
2 -3 green chillies, de-seeded and thinly sliced
1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
2 sprigs of thyme
Pinch of paprika
Black pepper
1 egg
- Pre heat the oven to 200’C fan.
- Heat oil in a heavy based pan. Gently cook the oil and shallots over a low heat for a 2-3 minutes.
- Add the garlic and continue to cook until the shallot is translucent, a further 3 minutes.
- Turn up the heat and add the chorizo, cooking for 2-3 minutes to crisp up.
- Add the black pudding, cook for a further 3 minutes. Add chilli flakes.
- Turn down the heat and stir in the tinned tomato, thyme and seasoning and simmer for 5 minutes.
- Transfer to an ovenproof dish.
- Press down with the back of a serving spoon, in the middle of the stew. Crack an egg into it, finish by sprinkling the stew with the sliced green chilli and popping into the oven for 10 minutes until the egg is just set.
Feòil 1 crà ic-phartain
Feòil 1 partain
2-3 sgalaidean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 bad uinneanan-earraich, air a ghearradh gu mìn
1 leigeas, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 tomà tothan, leis a’ chraiceann air a thoirt dhiubh, an t-sìol air a thoirt às agus air a ghearradh gu mìn
3-4 cnapan ime
Bloigh paprika
Spà inn-mhòr puree tomato
Criomagan-arain Ăąra
Druthag bhranndaidh
1 spà inn-mhòr stoc circe aotrom
- Gus na partain a bhruich, cuir gu leòr uisge ann am pana. Nuair a tha an t-uisge a’ goil, cuir gu leòr salann ann (mu 50-60g airson gach liotair uisge). Bruich na pertain fa leth, airson timcheall air 10 mionaidean.
- Leig leotha socrachadh agus thoir an fheòil a-mach asta, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach eil pà irtean cruaidh ann. Cuir iad ann am bobhlaichean.
Airson a’ ghratin:
- Fraidhig na sgalaidean, na h-uinneanan-earraich agus an leigeas ann am pana le beagan ola agus ìm.
- Cuir na tomĂ tothan ris agus saute airson 5-10 mionaidean.
- Cuir am branndaidh ris agus leig leis bruich.
- Cuir feòil nam partain dhan phana.
- SeĂ san le salann agus piobar.
- Cuir lĂ n a spĂ inn dhen stoc circe ris agus measgaich gu math.
- Cuir lĂ n a spĂ inn dhen ghratin ann an slige partain a chaidh a dheagh ghlanadh.
- Cuir na criomagan-arain air a’ mhuin agus crathadh de phaprika.
- Cuir cnap no dhà de dh’ime air a’ mhuin.
- Cuir dhan à mhainn, aig 200C, gus an tig dath òir air na criomagan-arain.
Meat of 1 spider crab
Meat of 1 brown crab
2 – 3 shallots, finely chopped
1 bunch spring onions, finely chopped
1 leek, finely sliced
2 tomatoes, skinned and de-seeded and finely chopped
3 - 4 knobs of butter
Pinch of paprika
1 tbsp tomato puree
Fresh bread crumbs
Splash of brandy
1 tbsp light chicken stock
- To cook the crabs, put plenty of water to cook in a pan. When it starts to boil, add enough salt (about 50-60 g. Of salt per litre of water). Cook the crabs one by one, approximately for 10 minutes.
- Let them temper and remove the meat, making sure there are no hard parts. Reserve in bowls.
To make the gratin:
- Brown the shallots, spring onion and leek in a pan, in a little oil and butter.
- Add the tomatoes and continue to sauté, 5 – 10 minutes.
- Add the brandy to the pan and let it cook out.
- Add the crab meat to the pan.
- Season with salt & pepper.
- Add a spoonful of chicken stock and mix thoroughly.
- Spoon the mixture into a thoroughly cleaned crab shell.
- Top with breadcrumbs and sprinkle with paprika.
- Place a few knobs of butter on top of the breadcrumbs.
- Place in the oven, at 200 c, until the breadcrumbs have turned golden.
Closach circe
Sgiathan circe
1 uinnean
1 leigeas
1 curran
1 stob soilire
1 geug ròs-Mhoire
1 geug tìm
6 eiteanan piobar
- Geà rr an glasraich gu lèir na phìosan.
- Cuir ann am pana le 2 liotair uisge.
- Goil air a shocair airson 2 uair a thìde.
Chicken carcass
Chicken wings
1 Onion
1 leek
1 carrot
1 stick of celery
1 sprig rosemary
1 sprig thyme
6 Peppercorns
- Roughly chop the vegetables.
- Place in a pan with 2 litres of water.
- Put all the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil.
- Simmer for 2 hours.
600g rìs paella
100ml ola chroinn-ola
1.5 liotair stoc circe
800g feòil bho shliasaidean circe, cnà imhean air an toirt às agus air a ghearradh na phìosan beaga
Gart-eun, air a ghearradh na phìosan beaga
600g feòil-rabaid, air a ghearradh na phìosan beaga
Chorizo, air a shliseadh gu mìn
2 tomà to, rùisgte, sìol air a thoirt às agus air a bhleith
1 uinnean mòr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
4-5 clòbhan creamh, air a ghearradh agus air a rùsgadh
1 piobar uaine
2 phiobar milis, leis a’ chraiceann air a thoirt dheth
200g pònairean-ruith
Pònairean reòite
Staimean cròch-dhearg
Pìosan liomaid airson sgeadachadh
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana mòr.
- Sà ill an fheòil-rabaid agus ròst sa phana airson 5 mionaidean gus an tig dath air. Cuir lìogh no dhà dhen stoc circe ris.
- Teasaich an ola ann am pana paella. Cuir an fheòil chirce agus an chorizo ris, ga bhruich airson 5 mionaidean. Tionndaidha n fheòil gus dèanamh cinnteach nach steig an fheòil ri bonn a’ phana.
- Thoir an fheòil às a’ phana paella agus fà g gu aon taobh.
- Cuir an t-uinnean, an creamh agus an tomà to bog dhan phana paella. Thoir dath air na tha sa phana, an uairsin cuir am piobar agus na pònairean-ruith dhan phana agus bruich airson timcheall air 10 mionaidean.
- Cuir a’ chròch-dhearg, an rìs agus an stoc dhan phana. Cuir an fheòil gu lèir (agus an fheòil-rabaid) dhan phana paella agus thoir chun a’ ghoil gu luath, airson timcheall air 6 mionaidean.
- Cuir sìos an teas agus bruich airson 10-15 mionaidean eile.
- Cuir na peasairean reòite ris agus leig leotha teasachadh.
- Cuir dheth an teas agus còmhdaich le dà dhuilleag foidhle agus fà g airson 5-10 mionaidean.
600g paella rice
100ml olive oil
1.5 litres Chicken stock
800g chicken thigh meat, bone removed and cut into bite size pieces
Quail, cut into bite size pieces
600g rabbit meat, cut into bite size pieces
Chorizo, finely sliced
2 ripe tomatoes, peeled, de-seeded and grated to a pulp
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 - 5 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped
1 green pepper
2 sweet pepper, skinned
200g Runner beans
Frozen peas
Saffron threads
Lemon wedges to garnish
- Heat the oil in a large frying pan
- Salt the rabbit and brown in pan for 5 mins. Add a few ladles of the chicken stock.
- Heat oil in paella pan, add the chicken meat and the chorizo, cook for 5 minutes. Turning to ensure that the meat doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan.
- Remove the meat from the paella dish and set aside.
- Add onions, garlic and tomato pulp to the paella pan. Brown and then add the peppers, add the runner beans and cook for approximately 10 minutes.
- Add saffron, rice and the stock. Return all the meat, including the rabbit to the paella pan, and bring to the boil rapidly, for approximately 6 minutes.
- Turn the heat low and cook for another 10 - 15 minutes.
- Add the frozen peas and allow to heat through.
- Turn off the heat and cover with a double layer of foil and allow to rest for 5 – 10 minutes.
50g ìm, air a leaghadh
½ spà inn brìgh faoineig
250g flùr plèan, bho phoca ùr (riatanach airson an t-sùgh a shùghadh)
1 spà inn-bheag pùdar-bèicearachd
1 liotair ola neòinean-grèine
Pìos no dhà de dh’aran
50g butter, melted
½ tsp vanilla extract
250g plain flour, from a new bag (essential for absorbing the liquid)
1 tsp baking powder
1 litre sunflower oil
A few chunks of bread
200g teòclaid dorch, air a bhriseadh na phìosan
100ml uachdar dĂąbailte
100ml bainne slĂ n
2 spà inn-mhòr siorap
½ spà inn-mhòr brìgh faoineig
200g dark chocolate, broken into chunks
100ml double cream
100ml whole milk
2 tbsp golden syrup
12 tbsp vanilla extract
100g siĂącar castair
2 spĂ inn-bheag cainneal
- Goil an coire agus tomhas 300ml uisge goileach ann an siuga. Cuir an t-ìm agus a’ bhrìgh faoineig ris. Sìoltaich am flùr agus am pùdar-bèicearachd ann am bobhla measgachaidh mòr le bloigh mòr salainn. Dèan tobar sa mheadhan agus dòirt na tha san t-siuga dhan bhobhla agus measgaich an dà chuid gu luath gus nach eil cnapan idir ann. Fà g airson 10-15 mionaidean fhad ’s a tha thathar a’ dèanamh an t-sabhs.
- Cuir gritheidean an t-sabhs ann am pana agus leagh gu socair còmhla, ga mheasgachadh an-drà sta ’s a-rithist gus a bheil sabhs gleansach agad. Cùm blà th air teas ìosal.
- Lìon an treas cuid de phana mòr le ola. Teasaich gus am fàs pìos arain donn ann an 45 diogan – 1 mionaid. Còmhdaich trèidhe le pà ipear-cidsin agus measgaich an t-siùcar agus an cainneal còmhla.
- Cuir gob le cumadh rionnaig ann am poca-sgeadachaidh – bhiodh fear 1.5-2cm farsaing freagarrach. Lìon am poca leis an taois agus leig às de 2-3 striopan dhen taois dìreach dhan phana, a’ gearradh gach striop le paidhir siosair. Fraidhig gus an tig dath òir orra. Bi gu math faiceallach an seo ge-ta – ma nochdas bolgain à idhir sna churros dh’fhaodadh iad sprèadhadh, gu h-à raidh ma dh’fhà sas an ola ro theth no ma chleachdas tu seann fhlùr.
- Cho luath ’s a tha churros criospach agus òr, tòg às an ola iad le spà inn le tuill agus drèanaig air an trèidhe leis a’ phà ipear-cidsin. Cùm a’ dol leis a chòrr dhen taois, a’ crathadh siùcar-cainneil air na churros bruich. Nuair a than a churros uile dèanta, crath na th’ air fhà gail dhen t-siùcar air am muin agus gabh leis an t-sabhs teòclaid.
100g caster sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
- Boil the kettle, then measure 300ml boiling water into a jug and add the melted butter and vanilla extract. Sift the flour and baking powder into a big mixing bowl with a big pinch of salt. Make a well in the centre, then pour in the contents of the jug and very quickly beat into the flour with a wooden spoon until lump-free. Rest for 10-15 mins while you make the sauce.
- Put all the sauce ingredients into a pan and gently melt together, stirring occasionally until you have a smooth shiny sauce. Keep warm on a low heat.
- Fill a large deep saucepan one-third full of oil. Heat until a cube of bread browns in 45 seconds to 1 min. Cover a tray with kitchen paper and mix the caster sugar and cinnamon together.
- Fit a star nozzle to a piping bag – 1.5-2cm wide is a good size. Fill with the rested dough, then pipe 2-3 strips directly into the pan, snipping off each dough strip with a pair of kitchen scissors. Fry until golden brown and crisp. Be very careful here – if air bubbles form in the churros they can explode, especially if the oil overheats or you use old flour.
- Once the churros are crisp and golden brown, remove them from the oil with a slotted spoon and drain on the kitchen paper-lined tray. Carry on cooking the rest of the dough in batches, sprinkling the cooked churros with some cinnamon sugar as you go. When you’ve cooked all the churros, toss with any remaining cinnamon sugar and serve with the chocolate sauce, for dipping.
- Thu 28 Oct 2021 22:05
- Mon 1 Nov 2021 23:30