Aig Ceann a’ Ghlinne/At Glen’s End
Tha Calum an teis-mheadhan na Gà idhealtachd, Gleann Afraig a’ sireadh dealbh do nadur. Calum is in the heart of the Highlands to take a photo of the last remaining elm tree.
Anns an t-sreath seo, tha Calum MacIlleathain a’ measgachadh an tlachd a bhitheas e faighinn a’ siubhal gu diofar à iteachan agus a’ togail dhealbhan. Le seallaidhean à lainn bho air feadh na h-Alba bidh gach prògram a’ sealltainn Calum a’ dol air turas shònraichte a tha a’ tighinn gu crìch le cothrom dealbh à raid a chruthachadh.Tha Calum feumach air iomadach doighean-obrach airson na dealbhan a ghlacadh. Anns a’ phrògram-sa, tha Calum ann an teis-mheadhann na Gà idhelatachd ann an Gleann Afraig a’ sireadh dealbh do nadur, craobh ailm. ‘S I an tè mu dheireadh san à ite – ’s dòcha bho sheann choille a chaidh ainmeachadh mar ‘chraobh na bliadhna’. Bha Calum airson urram a shealltainn dhan chraoibh agus mar sin chleachd e camara là n eachdraidh – camara athair.
The intrepid Calum Maclean combines his love of exploring with that of photography. Featuring stunning locations - from the northern Highlands to the Borders, the Aberdeenshire coast to the islands of Argyll - each episode sees Calum embark on a unique journey that culminates in opportunities for special photos. His mode of travel is as varied as the locations, all the while keeping his keen photographer’s eye peeled for evocative shots.
In this episode, Calum is in the heart of the Highlands in Glen Affric looking for a photo of one of Scotland's most ancient and mysterious trees. It’s an elm tree, possibly from ancient woodland and was previously named Tree of the Year. Calum features different photographic techniques and he wanted to show respect for the tree and chose a camera full of family history – a medium format camera he borrowed from his father.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Abair sealladh!
Duration: 00:54
Craobh ailm gu math sònraichte
Duration: 00:59
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Maclean |
Producer | Alasdair MacLean |
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