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Spartans v Rangers
Episode 13 of 19
Live exclusive football from the SWPL as Rangers travel to Ainslie Park to take on Spartans. Commentary and analysis from Calum Macaulay and Pauline Hamill.
Geama ball-coise beò bhon SWPL, le Sgioba Rangers a’ dèanamh air Ainslie Park gus Sgioba Spartans a chluich. Aithris agus anailis bho Calum MacAmhlaidh agus Pauline Hamill, air 91Èȱ¬ ALBA a-mhà in.
Live exclusive football from the SWPL as Rangers travel to Ainslie Park to take on Spartans. Commentary and analysis from Calum Macaulay and Pauline Hamill.
Last on
Sun 16 May 2021
- Sun 16 May 2021 16:00