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A’ Dol Fodha/Going Under

Episode 6 of 10

Feumaidh Calum dhol tarsainn na mara gu cheann-uidhe an-diugh – Beul na h-Uamha. Calum travels by sea kayak to reach his destination and captures an underwater image.

Anns an t-sreath seo, tha Calum MacIlleathain a’ toirt còmhla an tlachd a bhitheas e faighinn a’ rùileachadh diofar àiteachan agus an toileachas bho a bhith a' togail dhealbhan. Tha e beò an dochas gum faigh mi deagh dheilbh le ìomhaighean de dh’àiteachan, cuairtean, fiù faireachdainnean. Le seallaidhean àlainn bho air feadh Alba, bidh gach prògram a’ sealltainn Calum a’ dol air turas shònraichte a tha a’ tighinn gu crìch le cothrom dealbh àraid a chruthachadh.Tha Calum feumach air iomadach doighean-obrach airson na dealbhan a ghlacadh. Anns a’ phrògram-sa, bidh Calum a’ dol tarsainn na mara gu Beul na h-Uamha, fear dheth na h-eileanan sglèat. ‘S e an dùbhlan a tha roimhe dealbh a thogail do sheann charbad fiodha, làn chlachan, bho làithean-obrach a’ chuaraidh ach gu bheil a’ chairt fon uisge. Ach an toiseach feumaidh e a’ chairt a lorg.

Calum Maclean combines his love of exploring far-flung places with that of photography. Featuring stunning locations from around Scotland - from the northern Highlands to the Borders, the Aberdeenshire coast to the islands of Argyll - each episode sees Calum embark on a unique journey that culminates in opportunities to capture special photos.

His mode of travel is as varied as the locations, all the while keeping his keen photographer’s eye peeled for evocative shots employing different photographic techniques.

In this episode, Calum travels by sea kayak to reach his destination of Belnahua, one of the Slate Islands. He is keen to capture a photo of an old wooden cart which was used in the quarry. His challenge is firstly to find the old cart which is submerged and then to capture an image underwater.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Calum Maclean
