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Caithris na h-Oidhche

With the moon growing thinner and the woods growing darker night by night, Owl begins to feel lonely and starts to dread his duties. Luckily, Hare has a plan!

Gach oidhche bidh Comhachag a’ cumail geàrd air a’ choille. Ge-tà, leis a’ ghealach a’ sìor fhàs tana agus a’ choille a’ sìor fhàs dorcha, tha Comhachag a’ fàs aonranach. Chan eil e idir cho measail air a dhleastanas. Gu fortanach, tha plàna aig Maigheach!

Every night, Owl keeps watch over the forest. But with the Moon growing thinner and the woods growing darker night by night, Owl begins to feel lonely. He starts to dread his duties. Luckily, Hare has a plan!

18 days left to watch

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions


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