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Episode 8

Episode 8 of 8

Ramsay escapes the city to go island-hopping in the Slate Islands. Ramsay a’cuir cùl ris a bhaile mhòr airson cuairt timchioll eileanan an sglèata.

After a busy week working, there is nothing Ramsay MacMahon looks forward to more than leaving the chaos behind and exploring Scotland’s hidden treasures. Today he is island-hopping in Argyll’s Slate Islands.

Known as the ‘Islands that Roofed the World’, Ramsay learns about the rich history of the slate quarrying industry that shaped these islands. Starting at the Clachan Bridge, known as the Bridge Over the Atlantic, he drives through Seil, to catch the ferry to Luing. There he meets a local who worked in the island’s slate quarries.

Next, it’s over to Belnahua, a deserted island where the quarry has gouged out the island’s landscape and the ruins of the miners’ cottages still stand.

The next morning Ramsay travels to Easdale, home of the World Stone-Skimming Championships. Here he gets the ultimate stone-skimming lesson using Easdale’s perfectly formed slate pebbles.

As dèidh seachdain thrang aig obair chan eil dad is fheàrr le Ramsay MacMahon na cùl a chur ris a bhaile agus àitichean inntinneach na h-Alba a’lorg: an t-seachdain seo, eileanan an sglèata ann an Earraghàidheal.

Chanadh daoine gun iad na h-eileanan a chuir mullach air an t-saoghal, agus tha beairteas eachdraidh obair an sglèata a’feitheamh air.

A-null air Drochaid a’Chlachain gu Eilean Saoil, agus aiseag gu Luinn, airson cothrom còmhraidh le fear a bha ag obair anns na cuairidhean. Tha eathar eile a’toirt Ramsay gu Beul na h-Uamha, eilean fàs far an do rinn a’chuairidh sgrios air cruth an eilein; tha tobhtaichean dachanan an luchdobrach rim faicinn fhathast.

An ath mhadainn tha e a’dol a-null gu Eilean Èitseal, far a bheil farpais eadar-nàiseanta aca ann an sadail mholagan thar an uisge... chan eil rian nach soirbhich Ramsay as dèidh leasan le molagan sglèata cho mìn slìogarra.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

8 days left to watch

28 minutes

Last on

Sat 1 Mar 2025 20:00

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Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
Producer Ramsay MacMahon
Editor Craig Nicol
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Director Peter Macqueen


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