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Tha each leòntach ri fhrithealadh agus tha eich allta rin socrachadh sa choille. There’s a wounded horse to attend to and wild horses to tame in the forest.

Tha Ronia agus Biorc den bheachd nach eil àite sam bith ann a tha nas tlachdmhoire na tha a’ choille. Tha ’ad airson eich a cheannsachadh gus am faigh iad air a dhol a mharcachd – agus, gu dearbh’, tha feum air oidhirp-dhian.

Ronia and Biorc think that there is nowhere as delightful as the forest. They would like to tame some horses so that they can go riding – and this will require dedication.

25 minutes


Role Contributor
Ronia Eilidh Cormack
Aithris Angela MacEachen
Biorc Ellen Macdonald
