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Dìoghaltas Sheòrais Shnotaich Stiùbhairt/The Return of Norman ‘Smelly’ Gamboa II: 2nd part, the Vengeance

Episode 22 of 52

Norman comes back to Paper Port to seize Matilda’s powers. Once he owns them, nobody will be able to stop him from conquering the world with... a chain of fast-food restaurants.

Tha Seòrach Snotach Stiùbhart a’ tilleadh a Phort Pàipeir airson cumhachdan Marisa a ghoid. Nuair a bhios cumhachdan Marisa aige, chan urrainn do dhuine stad a chur air a’ ceannsachadh an t-saoghail le… grunn thaighean-bìdh. Tha muinntir Phort Pàipeir air an dèanamh à pàipear, mar sin cleachdaidh Seòras iad airson còmhdach a chruthachadh dhan bhiadh. Tha Seòras a’ cur an ìre gun e Teàrlach a th’ ann airson faighinn faisg air Marisa airson a cumhachdan a ghoid, is tha e a’ soirbheachadh.

Norman comes back to Paper Port to seize Matilda’s powers. Once he owns them, nobody will be able to stop him from conquering the world with... a chain of fast-food restaurants. And since Paper Port’s residents are made of paper, he will use them to manufacture the wrappers for his meals. Norman pretends to be Charlie to be near Matilda and steal her powers, which he accomplishes perfectly.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
