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Episode 101 of 104

Tha Coco ag ionnsachadh do Bing is Sula mar a nì iad sgiobadh an-diugh. Coco teaches Bing and Sula how to skip.

Nuair a tha Coco a' nochdadh sa ghàrradh aig Bing, tha i a' teagaisg dha Bing is Sula mar a nì iad sgiobadh. Tha Sula math air sa bhad ach tha Bing feumach air beagan a bharrachd taic bho a charaidean.

Coco arrives in Bing’s garden and teaches Bing and Sula how to skip. Sula learns to do it very quickly but Bing needs a little bit more help from his friends.

Available now

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Bing Benny Walsh
Sula Holly Duffy
Flop Iain Mackinnon
Coco Seona Brown
Amma Evelyn Coull Macleod
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Writer John Carmichael
