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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 8

Ramsay escapes Glasgow for an action-packed weekend in Speyside. Ramsay a’teiche a Glaschu airson dà latha luma làn ann an Srath Spè.

For Ramsay MacMahon, it’s at the weekends that memories are made and with so much choice right on your doorstep in Scotland you don’t have to go far. The Scottish staycation is the ultimate weekend away.

Starting in Aviemore, Ramsay travels through Strathspey on a restored steam train before heading to the River Spey to tackle the fast currents and ‘washing machine’ rapids in a canoe.

Ramsay goes off-roading into the foothills of Ben Rinnes with a whisky enthusiast. Speyside has the greatest concentration of malt whisky producers in the country and from their viewpoint they see just how many distilleries they can spot.

The adventure doesn’t stop there as Ramsay hires a bike to cycle along the Spey to meet a local ghillie who shows him one of the most popular activities on the river – fly fishing. Back on the bike he heads for Spey Bay where the river empties out into the sea.

Do Ramsay MacMahon chan eil sa bhaile mhòr ach seachdain obrach – tha cridhe is cuimhne rim faighinn san deireadh sheachdainn, is feumar dèanamh ás, airson an lorg.

Bhon Aghaidh Mhòr tha Ramsay a’siubhal tro Srath Spè air seann trèan smùide, mus feuch e canù air an abhainn, na steall tro uisge bras is ioma-shruth. Le a chridhe fhathast a’plabadaich, tha e a’cur aghaidh air na beanntan cuide ri eòlaiche uisge-beatha – a’ruigheachd mullach le seallaidhean àlainn mun cuairt – as an cunntais iad cia mheud taigh-staile a chì iad.

Tha caran inntinneach eile roimhe – gabhaidh Ramsay sìos taobh na h-aibhne air baidhseagail, an tòir air leasan bho fhear tha sàr eòlach air iasgach slait. Air ais air an rothair agus sìos gu Bàgh Spè, far a bheil an abhainn a’dòrtadh dhan chuan.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Sat 18 Jan 2025 20:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Ramsay MacMahon
Director Faye MacLean
Producer Ramsay MacMahon
Editor Craig Nicol
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
