Chan eil Sinn CÃ irdeach/We Aren't Family
Danger Mouse, Penfold and Squawk go undercover disguised as a family to find out why the world’s villains are heading to one holiday camp, Sydneyland.
Tha Donnie Murdo, Pamaidh agus Ollamh Gog-Gà g a’ dol air misean sònraichte ann an riochd eile is iad a’ cur an ìre gun e teaghlach a th’ annta, airson faighinn a-mach carson a tha gach eucorach san t-saoghal a’ dèanamh air an aon champa saor-là ithean: Àrd a’ Chaolais. Nuair a nochdas Mac a’ Chrogain le Delilah, tha na h-à idseantan mionnaichte gu bheil e ri eucoir air choireigin, ach cha lorg iad fianais sam bith. Nuair a chuireas Pamaidh ainmean Dhonnie Murdo agus Ollaimh Ghog-Gà ig sìos son farpais dannsa, tha iad a’ mothachadh gu e Clogaid na Cumhachd am prìomh dhuais: innleachd air leth cumhachdail agus cunnartach.
Danger Mouse, Penfold and Squawk go undercover disguised as a family to find out why the world’s villains are heading to one holiday camp, Sydneyland. When Greenback shows up with Delilah, the team are convinced he’s up to no good, but can’t find any evidence of wrongdoing. When Penfold enters Squawk and DM in a dance competition they discover the prize is the fabled Helmet of Power, an ultimate invention bent on destruction.
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Role | Contributor |
Donnie Murdo | Calum Macaulay |
Various | David Walker |
Various | Tony Kearney |
Various | Linda MacLeod |
Various | Eoghan MacDonald |
Producer | Linda MacLeod |
Executive Producer | Bill Macleòid |
Editor | Chas Chalmers |
Production Company | Solus Productions |
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