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‘S e Madadh-cuain a tha a' còmhradh rinn an-diugh. It’s an Orca who speaks to us today.

Chan e muc-mhara a th’ann am Madadh-cuain, ged a tha sinne a' smaoineachadh gur e – ‘s e th’ annta ach leumadairean-fairge. Tha gairm sònraichte aca airson ‘s gun aithnich iad càch a chèile.

The Orca isn’t a Killer Whale as some people like to call them. It’s an Oceanic Dolphin, otherwise known as an Orca, which has its own special call so they can recognise one another.

18 days left to watch

2 minutes


Role Contributor
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Ishbel Maclean


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