A’ Phupaid/The Puppet
Matilda wakes up and discovers there is a puppet on her bed. When she puts it on her hand, it comes to life and is able to move and talk.
Tha Marisa a’ dùsgadh is a’ faicinn gu bheil pupaid air an leabaidh aice. Nuair a tha i a’ cur a là mh ann tha e tighinn beò agus tha comas aige gluasad agus bruidhinn. Tha Seanair ag rà dh ri Marisa gum feum i cuideachadh le obair-an-taighe, ach tha a’ Phupaid ag innse dhi nach bu chòir do chlann inbhich a chuideachadh, is gum bu chòir spòrs a bhith aca fad’ na h-ùine. Tha e a’ tighinn am follais gun e seann nà mhaid do Sheanair a th’ anns a’ Phupaid, is tha e air tilleadh gus cumhachdan Marisa a ghoid.
Matilda wakes up and discovers there is a puppet on her bed. When she puts it on her hand, it comes to life and is able to move and talk. Curlybeard tells Matilda she must help with the household chores, but the Puppet convinces Matilda that children shouldn’t help adults, and should only have fun. It turns out that the Puppet is an old enemy of Curlybeard who has come back to steal Matilda’s powers.
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