Episode 6
It’s the end of season but Peter is still busy in the garden and Joy Dunlop comes to visit. Deireadh an fhoghair ach tha Pà druig trang; thig Joy Dunlop air chèilidh dhan ghà rradh.
Gà rradh Phà druig follows the progress of keen newbie gardener Peter MacQueen, as he sets about transforming his back garden in the heart of Glasgow from a messy, neglected disaster zone to productive, and aesthetically pleasing, outdoor space.
It’s nearing the end of the season, but there still lots going on in the urban garden. Joy Dunlop comes to visit and inspect the handiwork in the garden, and sample some homegrown treats. After minty cocktails, who knows, there might be a garden cèilidh. Peter plants bulbs for next spring and plans for the winter - he’s hoping to grow Brussels sprouts and other winter veg in the off season.
The series is filmed across a growing season, from January to October. Seòras the dog is with Peter all of the time - Westies love to get their paws dirty!
Tha’n t-sreath seo, Gà rradh Phà druig, a’tighinn bhon ghà rradh aig Pà druig MacCuinn – nach do chuir là mh riamh roimhe air, thuige seo. Ach tha là n duil aige an gà rradh-cùil am meadhan Ghlaschu, bùrach robach fà s, ùrachadh gu bhi na lios torrach, brèagha sam bi e tlachdmhor ùine chur seachad.
Tha foghar gu bhi seachad ach tha gu leòr a’dol sa ghà rradh. Tha Joy Dunlop air chèilidh, a’feuchainn drama le blas meannt a’ghà rraidh air – cò aig’ tha fios nach gabh i òran... Tha meacain ri chur san ùir a bhios nan togail-cridhe as t-earrach, agus tha Pà druig a’beachdachadh air dè ghabhas à iteach sa gheamhradh, leithid cà l Bhruiseil agus glasraich geamhraidh.
Tha an t-sreath sgaoilte thar trì rà ithean, bhon Fhaoilleach chun an Damhair. Tha Seòras an cù an còmhnaidh deiseil Pà druig a’ chuideachadh – ‘sann a tha spògan salach a’còrdadh math ri abhagan!
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Tha Pà druig air mòran ionnsachadh
Duration: 01:42
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Peter Macqueen |
Production Manager | Sajid Quayum |
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