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Part 1
Episode 2 of 3
Sianar neach ciùil òg tà lantach a’ feuchainn sa chuairt dheireannaich airson urram prìseil. From Glasgow City Halls, six finalists compete to take the prestigious title.
Aon dhe na h-oidhcheannan as togarraiche aig Celtic Connections le Brus MacGriogair agus Joy Dunlop a' toirt thugaibh cuirm far a bheil sianar luchd-ciùil òga a' strì airson an urram prìseil seo.
Bruce MacGregor and Joy Dunlop welcome you to one of the most uplifting nights at Celtic Connections as six young musicians compete for this prestigious title.
Last on
Sun 31 Jan 2021
- Sun 31 Jan 2021 17:05