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Am Facal Dìomhair/The Forbidden Word

Episode 9 of 52

Charlie and Matilda manage to get into the cinema to watch a PG-13 film.

Tha Teàrlach agus Marisa a’ faighinn a-steach dhan taigh-dhealbh son film, do chlann aois trì bliadhna deug is nas sinne, fhaicinn. An seo tha iad ag ionnsachadh facal dìomhair èibhinn ùr. Tha tòrr spòrs aig Marisa ga ràdh a-rithist is a-rithist, gus nach urrainn dhi stad. Air sgàth a cumhachd agus leis gun tuirt i am facal dìomhair seo cho tric, tha Marisa a’ tionndadh na muc.

Charlie and Matilda manage to get into a cinema to watch a PG-13 film. Here, they learn a new, funny secret word. Matilda can’t stop saying the word over and over again, having lots of fun. Because of her power and having said the bad word so much, Matilda transforms into a pig.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions Ltd
