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Mun Cuairt na h-Aide/Around the Hat

Episode 6 of 52

Tha cumhachd Marisa a’ toirt air rudan a dhol a-mach à sealladh gach turas a nì i gàire. Matilda’s power consists of making things disappear every time she laughs.

Tha cumhachd Marisa a’ toirt air rudan a dhol a-mach à sealladh gach turas a nì i gàire. Tha Teàrlach fìor mhath air a bhith a’ toirt gàire oirre agus tha iad a’ cluich chleasan air na caraidean aca agus air muinntir a’ bhaile. Ach gun fhiosta tha Marisa a’ cur Teàrlach à sealladh. Tha i feuchainn ri smaoineachadh air dòigh air Teàrlach a thoirt air ais, oir tha i cinnteach gu bheil gach rud a thèid a chur à sealladh a’ dol a dh’àiteigin.

Matilda’s power consists of making things disappear every time she laughs. Charlie is an expert at making her laugh, and they both pull pranks on their friends and the town’s residents. But without knowing it, Matilda accidentally makes Charlie disappear. She desperately looks for the way to bring him back, because she’s sure that everything she makes disappear has to go somewhere.

15 minutes


Role Contributor
Various David Walker
Various Tony Kearney
Various Linda MacLeod
Various Eoghan MacDonald
Various Mark Smith
Various Ellen MacDonald
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions Ltd
