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Dundee FC

Episode 14 of 21

Calum Macaulay and Derek Mackay take a look at the fortunes of Dundee FC.

Tha Calum MacAmhlaidh agus Derek MacAoidh còmhla rinn ’s iad a’ toirt sùil air sgeulachd Dhùn Dè. Tha an club air a bhith a’ strì ’son seasmhachd a lorg air a’ phàirc ’s timcheall a’ chlub sna bhliadhnaichean mu dheireadh, a’ ciallachadh gun do dh’fhàs trioblaidean airgid agus chaill iad àite sa Phrìomh Lìg. Chì sinn an turas tachartach agus cuid dhe na h-agallamhan le muinntir a’ chlub.

Calum Macaulay and Derek Mackay take a look at the fortunes of Dundee FC. The Dens Park club have struggled in recent years to find any consistency on and off the field, resulting in financial problems and relegation. We reflect on their rollercoaster journey and look back at some of the issues from those involved with the club.

29 minutes
