Senedd Cymru - Welsh Parliament Episodes Available now

Campaign Donations Debate
Debate on the Welsh Labour leadership campaign donations, from Tuesday 30 April.

Cass Review Debate
Debate on the Cass review on gender identity services, from Tuesday 30 April.

Tata Steel Statement
Debate on the future of the Tata steelworks in Port Talbot, from Tuesday 30 April.

Economic Future
Debate on a statement on the economic future of Wales, with economy secretary Jeremy Miles

Smokefree Generation
Debate on a statement on creating a smoke-free generation and tackling youth vaping.

Counsel General Questions
Questions in the Senedd to the counsel general Mick Antoniw, from Tuesday 23 April.

The debate on the general principles of the Local Government (Finance) Bill.

Delivering Wales' Priorities
The statement outlining the legislative agenda for the Welsh government.