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Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s bubbles.

Thugainn a’ rannsachadh bhuilgeanan còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ sèideadh bhuilgeanan. Tha dol aig Cuilean ri tòrr a shèideadh, ach tha Piseag a’ fàs mì-fhoighidneach nuair nach eil a’ dol aice fhèin air mòran bhuilgeanan a shèideadh. Tron rannsachadh aca, tha Piseag agus Cuilean ag ionnsachadh gum faic sinn tro bhuilgeanan, tha builgeanan cruinn agus gabhaidh an spreadhadh. Mar phàirt dhen sgrùdadh, tha neach-rannsachaidh òg a’ cleachdadh slatan le diofar chumaidhean, son dearbhadh gu bheil builgeanan an-còmhnaidh cruinn. A bharrachd air a seo, tha lorgaire beag bìodach a’ seasamh am broinn builgean mòr.

Let’s find out about bubbles with Kit and Pup as they blow bubbles! But whilst Pup is able to blow lots of bubbles, Kit’s impatience means she gets frustrated when she can’t. Through their adventures, Kit and Pup find out that bubbles are see through, round and can pop. In the live action investigation, a little scientist uses different shapes to test whether bubbles are always round and in the material world, a little explorer looks out from inside an iridescent bubble.

5 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Matthew Gilmour Wright
Narrator Shreya MacKenzie Saul
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
