Amasonan Afraga/Africa's Amazons
This episode recreates the life of a village chiefs‘ daughter, Sukeoun, in 19th-century Africa.
The Agooji of West Africa were the terrifying all-female fighting force of the Kingdom of Dahomey, a small but powerful West African kingdom in modern day Benin that steadily expanded from the 17th century, against the much larger Asante and Yoruba kingdoms. Dahomey was feared for its annual slave raids deep into neighbouring territories and the ruthlessness of their women warriors.
Our story begins at the end of the 19th century. Dahomey is under threat from the European colonial powers who vie for control of one of the last independent kingdoms in Africa. Based on historical records, we recreate the life of a village chiefs‘ daughter - Sukeoun. Against her father's wishes, she is taken as a tribute to the King of Dahomey.
An Agooji air taobh Siar Afraga – feachd sabaist bhoireann a bha uabhasach is iargalt ann an Rìoghachd Dahomey – rìoghachd bheag ach rìoghachd chumhachdach san dùthaich ris an canar an-diugh Benin, a mheudaich beag air bheag bhon t-seachdamh linn deug an-aghaidh Rìoghachdan Asante agus Yoruba. Ged a bha iad seo gu math na bu mhotha, an dèidh sin bha Rìoghachd Dahomey a’ cur eagal orra le na ruagaidhean uabhasach a bheireadh iad am broinn nan dùthchannan aca gus trà illean a ghoid. Am measg nan ruagadairean, bha na curaidhean boireann aca.
Tha an sgeulachd againn a’ tòiseachadh aig crìoch na naoitheamh linne deug. Tha Dahomey ann an cunnart bho na cumhachdan colònial Eòrpach a bha airson smachd fhaighinn air tè dhe na dùthchannan neo-eisimileach mu dheireadh ann an Afraga. Stèidhichte air clà ran eachdraidheil, tha sinn ag ath-chruthachadh beatha Sukeoun, nighean le Ceannard baile. Ged a bha e an-aghaidh miann a h-athar, chaidh a toirt mar chìs gu Rìgh Dahomey.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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