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Mass unemployment as a result of the global economic crisis reaches its peak in 1932.

11 November 1918. The Great War is finally over. A new era is about to start. Amidst the grief, disappointment and old fears, new dreams and hopes are now emerging but so too are new hatreds: 鈥淐lash of Futures鈥 explores the dramatic era of the 1920s and 鈥30s following the fates of extraordinary men and women using their own diary entries, letters and memoirs. These are people drawn into the war by their convictions, who with their loves and decisions bring the history of Europe with all its contradictions to life.

Mass unemployment as a result of the global economic crisis reaches its peak in 1932. Communists and National Socialists fight bloody street battles. On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler is named Chancellor of the Reich. Jewish citizens endure massive reprisals.

11 Samhain, 1918. Tha An Cogadh M貌r seachad mu dheireadh thall. Toiseach linn 霉r. Am measg caoidh, briseadh-d霉il agus seann eagail, tha bruadair is d貌chas a' nochdadh 脿s 霉r, ach tha agus fuathan 霉ra cuideachd.
Tha "Eadar Na Dh脿" a' toirt s霉il air na ficheadan 's na tritheadan, a' leantainn sgeulachdan fir is mnathan s貌nraichte 脿s An Fhraing, A' Ghearmailt, An Eadailt, Breatainn, An Ostair, An t-Suain, A' Ph貌lainn agus an Aonadh Shovietach tro na leabhraichean-latha, litrichean is aithrisean aca fh猫in. Tharraing na beachdan aca an fheadhainn seo dhan chogadh agus tha sgeulachd nan co-dh霉naidhean is nan gr脿dhan aca a' toirt sealladh air eachdraidh thoinnte na h-E貌rpa.

Tha cion-obrach ri linn staing eaconamach an t-saoghail aig 脿irde ann an 1932. Bidh Comannaich is N脿saich a' sabaid air na sr脿idean. Air 30 Faoilleach, 1933, chaidh Adolf Hitler ainmeachadh mar Sheansalair an Reich. Dh'fhuiling I霉dhaich ionnsaighean d矛olaidh.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

52 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Tormod Macleod
Narrator Fiona Maclennan
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
