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Tha na seòid a’ cur biadh sònraichte air dòigh do sgioba rugbaidh nam ban. The lads talk to their local ladies rugby team and prepare some post-match food.

Tha fios gu bheil na seòid math air còcaireachd, ach tha iad a-mach às an àbhaist an-diugh, ag ullachadh biadh aig cliathaich pàirce do sgioba rugbaidh nam ban às dèidh aon de na geamannan aca. Le bhith a’ gabhail a-steach feumalachdan bìdh às dèidh a bhith a’ cluich geama agus a bhith a’ còcaireachd a-muigh am meadhan an t-samhraidh, tha Ruaraidh a’ dèanamh a’ bhrot Minestrone aige fhèin agus Moussaka Glasraich. Tha Ùisdean ag obair air gualainn feòil-uain, air a bhruich gu slaodach gus am bi e dìreach ceart. Airson crìoch a chur air gnothaichean, tha e a’ cur mìlsean sònraichte air dòigh – “Melba Mess”.

The lads are keen domestic cooks, but today they are well away from the comfort zone of their kitchen. They talk to their local ladies rugby team and prepare some post-match food on the touchline at one of the games.

Taking into account the requirements of a post-match meal, and cooking alfresco in the summer heat, Ruaraidh makes his own special minestrone soup and a vegetable moussaka. Uisdean concentrates on a lamb shoulder, slow cooked to perfection. To finish off, he conjures up a special dessert, melba mess.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Ruaraidh Munro
Presenter Uisdean Macleod
